Did you know this holiday, March 8, is celebrated in over 100 countries and is an official holiday in 27 countries (including Kazakhstan 😉)? (It took me awhile to post this blog because of a crazy week.. more on that later)
Last year was our first one here and we hadn’t a clue that the city shuts down and just celebrates the ladies! Andrew honored our friends by making them tasty homemade Fisk Fudge and this year I made a sugar scrub for some of my close girlfriends. All of the men we encounter wish us ladies a “Happy Holiday” and you feel honored and recognized as a woman. Lots of chocolates, flowers, many gifts (such as cookies at the parking lot entry from the ticket attendant at the mall) and all kinds of discounts and special deals.
This holiday sort of reminds me of American Mother’s Day (which is also celebrated in other countries but usually each country has it’s own date in place) but the cool thing is… ALL women, doesn’t matter if you are a Mother or not, are celebrated! (I also LOVE being celebrated as a Mother 😁, because we work hard, lol)
This year we went to breakfast with dear friends, went to watch Captain Marvel (In Russian, THAT was a first, HAH), then went to dinner with same friends, and finally home. What a full day feeling loved and loving on our friends! ❤️